Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Mystery of Sharepoint Designer Edit Problem, Workflow is not working properly, cannot edit Excel Web Parts

In the past few months I've been encountering a slew of problems after we have migrated our sharepoint server on the VMWare server. Cannot edit the Sharepoint Page in Sharepoint Designer, the user cannot edit the numbers and figures in Excel Web Part and save it although she has all the rights for the web part and some users are complaining their workflow are not working correctly.

After hours of investigation and fraustrations I observed a few common symptoms in Sharepoint Logs. Everytime the search crawling service is running I will encounter all these issues. And I will keep seeing "Permission Mask Check Failed" in sharepoint log and some occasional event log error which says .NET encounter out of memory issues.

The source of the problem is because the VMWare has not enough memory to run the MOSS Search Services. We confirm the issue by trying to turn off all the crawling schedule on Sharepoint for a few days and all the mystery problems go away. And later we try to turn on the crawling schedules again to see if the same problems come back and it really did come back.

It is the Sharepoint Crawling and Search Services that causes out of memory issue on .NET and the issue introduce a lot of permission related problems and workflow delay etc on Sharepoint. Finally we decided to dedicate another server just for sharepoint server search and crawling.

What I wish to share is, if you normally keep seeing 'Permission Mask Check Failed' in Sharepoint Logs and having frequent out of memory problems, you might want to consider isolating the Search Services on somewhere else to pin point if it is one of the issue. Shared Services and Search Services on sharepoint is something that could consume quite a lot of memory on server unless you have very big memory (4-6 GB RAM ? )allocated for sharepoint server.